Folding@Home Team Mearns

  Client Name Mon Modified Core Protein Score Complete ETA Pts/Day
4675 08:39:00 GPU2 p5766_NTL9_330K 353.0 12.00   0.01
4675 08:39:00 GPU2 p10504 587.0 20.00   0.03
4849 04:07:05 GPU2 p6605_CspTm_300K 450.0 8.00   0.01
4961 19:46:05 Gro-A3 p6072_Mutant_scan 481.0 100.00   0.10
4849 16:39:54 Gro-A3 hafp3_tamm 552.0 75.00   0.09
3971 11:01:05 GPU2 p5766_NTL9_330K 353.0 -100.00   -0.09
4991 21:21:17 GPU2 p10513_ntl9(1-56)_WT 587.0 77.00   0.09
4853 06:53:58 Gro-A3 2kxa_bax 585.0 51.00   0.06
4895 05:06:54 GPU2 p10122 494.0 -100.00   -0.10
4604 02:29:14 Gro-A3 ndm 529.0 3.00   0.00
4604 02:25:54 GPU2 p5765_NTL9_300K 353.0 55.00   0.04
4058 10:36:36 Gro-A3 hema_insertion 1664.0 77.00   0.32
5114 22:20:10 Gro-A3 p6012_hafp3 470.0 100.00   0.09
5083 08:01:27 Gro-A3 p6068_Mutant_scan 481.0 65.00   0.06
5359 16:43:55 Gromacs p2483_system 905.0 9.00   0.02
4431 21:10:37 Gro-A3 kpc2-lig 706.0 100.00   0.16
4009 03:37:14 GPU2 p5769_NTL9_300K 353.0 -100.00   -0.09
3750 01:14:02 GPU3 p7621 14093.0 0.00   0.00
3750 01:14:12 GPU3 p7624 14093.0 0.00   0.00
4554 07:18:02 GPU2 p5765_NTL9_300K 353.0 27.00   0.02
4086 00:48:12 GPU3 p8018 5757.0 -100.00   -1.48
4949 18:06:39 Gro-A3 p6050_Mutant_scan 481.0 100.00   0.10
4307 05:56:30 GPU2 p5769_NTL9_300K 353.0 76.00   0.06
4902 01:26:00 Gromacs p6507_1CFC_B_predict 99.0 100.00   0.02
4735 07:15:20 Gromacs Abeta42_p3 67.0 0.00   0.00
4899 02:58:54 Gro-A4 p10721 654.0 100.00   0.13
4899 01:51:09 GPU2 p6600_CspTm_300K 450.0 100.00   0.09
4555 12:38:23 Gro-A4 p8011 106.6 0.00   0.00
5262 01:27:20 Protomol p10019 126.3 42.01   0.01
3971 10:57:25 GPU2 p5768_NTL9_450K 353.0 -100.00   -0.09
4798 17:27:22 GPU2 p10502 587.0 31.00   0.04
4012 04:02:04 Gromacs Abeta42_dimer_E 133.0 -100.00   -0.03
4251 03:31:42 Gro-A3 hafp3_tamm 552.0 6.00   0.01
4331 07:21:57 GPU2 p5770_NTL9_330K 353.0 27.00   0.02
expected today 0 expected tomorrow 0 expected in 2 days 0 expected in 3 days 0


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
0 12.00 GPU2 5766 353.0 0.01 Current 8/340/1515
9 100.00 GPU2 10501 587.0 4160.87 11/20/11 12:04:21 Finished 125/0/997
8 100.00 GPU2 10502 587.0 4194.24 11/20/11 08:41:05 Finished 166/0/307
7 100.00 GPU2 10501 587.0 4207.82 11/20/11 05:19:26 Finished 217/0/439
6 100.00 GPU2 5797 787.0 4162.64 11/20/11 01:58:26 Finished 22/493/7
5 100.00 GPU2 5794 787.0 4278.95 11/19/11 21:26:04 Finished 0/583/8
4 100.00 GPU2 5772 353.0 5083.20 11/19/11 17:01:05 Finished 13/347/2703
3 100.00 GPU2 5795 787.0 4341.79 11/19/11 15:20:58 Finished 10/713/5
2 100.00 GPU2 5770 353.0 5457.00 11/19/11 10:59:50 Finished 7/410/2681
1 100.00 GPU2 5767 353.0 5649.05 11/19/11 09:26:34 Finished 14/235/759

[17:04:29] Entering M.D.
[17:04:35] Tpr hash work/wudata_00.tpr:  1390214481 41493982 728851311 660563322 797463301
[17:04:35] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
[17:04:35] Working on Protein
[17:04:36] Client config found, loading data.
[17:04:36] Starting GUI Server
[17:05:28] Completed 1%
[17:06:34] Completed 2%
[17:07:40] Completed 3%
[17:08:46] Completed 4%
[17:09:52] Completed 5%
[17:10:59] Completed 6%
[17:12:11] Completed 7%
[17:13:15] Completed 8%
[17:14:21] Completed 9%
[17:15:27] Completed 10%
[17:16:34] Completed 11%
[17:17:40] Completed 12%

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
5 20.00 GPU2 10504 587.0 0.03 Current 161/0/482
4 100.00 GPU2 5770 353.0 4680.66 11/20/11 11:34:40 Finished 4/6/118
3 100.00 GPU2 5771 353.0 4608.52 11/20/11 09:45:56 Finished 6/213/95
2 100.00 GPU2 10501 587.0 4089.73 11/20/11 07:55:30 Finished 170/1/514
1 100.00 GPU2 10503 587.0 4108.29 11/20/11 04:28:42 Finished 213/1/799
0 100.00 GPU2 5771 353.0 4687.14 11/20/11 01:02:50 Finished 6/145/435
9 100.00 GPU2 5798 787.0 4059.27 11/19/11 23:14:16 Finished 14/779/7
8 100.00 GPU2 5767 353.0 4860.43 11/19/11 18:34:57 Finished 12/99/134
7 100.00 GPU2 5771 353.0 4672.77 11/19/11 16:50:15 Finished 14/124/1140
6 100.00 GPU2 5797 787.0 4136.31 11/19/11 15:01:21 Finished 13/678/6

[16:36:50] Completed 1%
[16:38:58] Completed 2%
[16:41:06] Completed 3%
[16:43:14] Completed 4%
[16:45:23] Completed 5%
[16:47:32] Completed 6%
[16:49:40] Completed 7%
[16:51:49] Completed 8%
[16:53:58] Completed 9%
[16:56:08] Completed 10%
[16:58:16] Completed 11%
[17:00:25] Completed 12%
[17:02:32] Completed 13%
[17:04:35] Completed 14%
[17:06:32] Completed 15%
[17:08:42] Completed 16%
[17:10:51] Completed 17%
[17:13:01] Completed 18%
[17:15:10] Completed 19%
[17:17:18] Completed 20%

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
2 8.00 GPU2 6605 450.0 0.01 Current 0/889/889
1 100.00 GPU2 6605 450.0 5587.81 05/30/11 16:40:29 Finished 7/3/734
0 100.00 GPU2 5769 353.0 6478.16 05/30/11 14:44:24 Finished 8/355/1598
9 100.00 GPU2 5772 353.0 6469.92 05/30/11 13:25:49 Finished 10/258/1284
8 100.00 GPU2 5770 353.0 6478.16 05/30/11 12:07:08 Finished 1/38/994
7 100.00 GPU2 5767 353.0 6464.43 05/30/11 10:48:33 Finished 1/231/1292
6 100.00 GPU2 5765 353.0 6468.55 05/30/11 09:29:48 Finished 14/219/917
5 100.00 GPU2 5772 353.0 6478.16 05/30/11 08:11:04 Finished 3/97/1338
4 100.00 GPU2 5768 353.0 6464.43 05/30/11 06:52:29 Finished 8/87/2235
3 100.00 GPU2 5770 353.0 6476.79 05/30/11 05:33:44 Finished 9/9/934

[20:40:36] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on.
[20:40:36] - Not checking prior termination.
[20:40:36] - Expanded 73909 -> 383588 (decompressed 519.0 percent)
[20:40:36] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=73909 data_size=383588, decompressed_data_size=383588 diff=0
[20:40:36] - Digital signature verified
[20:40:36] Project: 6605 (Run 0, Clone 889, Gen 889)
[20:40:36] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[20:40:36] Entering M.D.
[20:40:42] Tpr hash work/wudata_02.tpr:  799543144 2536068282 3602523304 3827500735 407843246
[20:40:42] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
[20:40:43] Working on Protein
[20:40:45] Client config found, loading data.
[20:40:45] Starting GUI Server
[20:41:54] Completed 1%
[20:43:03] Completed 2%
[20:44:13] Completed 3%
[20:45:22] Completed 4%
[20:46:32] Completed 5%
[20:47:41] Completed 6%
[20:48:50] Completed 7%
[20:50:00] Completed 8%

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
3 100.00 Gro-A3 6072 481.0 573.22 Finished 0/92/246
2 100.00 Gro-A3 6020 467.0 513.27 02/06/11 05:01:49 Finished 0/24/422
1 100.00 Gro-A3 6701 921.0 470.84 02/05/11 07:05:30 Finished 66/40/32
0 100.00 Gro-A3 6064 481.0 600.43 02/03/11 08:08:32 Finished 0/109/226
9 100.00 Gro-A3 6060 481.0 596.29 02/02/11 12:54:43 Finished 0/74/331
8 100.00 Gro-A3 6053 481.0 597.62 02/01/11 17:32:48 Finished 1/89/117
7 100.00 Gro-A3 6061 481.0 612.96 01/31/11 22:13:30 Finished 0/143/126
6 100.00 Gro-A3 6057 481.0 616.01 01/31/11 03:23:18 Finished 0/0/285
5 100.00 Gro-A3 6701 921.0 618.04 01/26/11 06:33:36 Finished 6/36/54
4 100.00 Gro-A3 6069 481.0 1060.70 01/24/11 18:47:19 Finished 1/194/59

[06:11:20] Unit 3 finished with 86 percent of time to deadline remaining.
[06:11:20] Updated performance fraction: 0.842041
[06:11:20] Sending work to server
[06:11:20] Project: 6072 (Run 0, Clone 92, Gen 246)

[06:11:20] + Attempting to send results [February 7 06:11:20 UTC]
[06:11:20] - Reading file work/wuresults_03.dat from core
[06:11:20]   (Read 3790023 bytes from disk)
[06:11:20] Connecting to
[06:11:31] Posted data.
[06:11:31] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~308 kB/s
[06:11:32] - Averaged speed for that direction ~278 kB/s
[06:11:32] + Results successfully sent
[06:11:32] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[06:11:32] + Number of Units Completed: 1073

[06:11:32] Trying to send all finished work units
[06:11:32] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[06:11:32] + -oneunit flag given and have now finished a unit. Exiting.- Preparing to get new work unit...
[06:11:32] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (15)
[06:11:32] Cleaning up work directory
[06:11:32] Killing all core threads

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
4 31.00 GPU2 10502 587.0 0.04 Current 420/0/612
3 100.00 GPU2 5781 783.0 8286.53 07/20/11 02:53:44 Finished 11/457/479
2 100.00 GPU2 10501 587.0 8262.76 07/20/11 00:37:33 Finished 205/1/687
1 100.00 GPU2 10504 587.0 8180.13 07/19/11 22:55:08 Finished 440/0/560
0 100.00 GPU2 5770 353.0 7284.26 07/19/11 21:11:41 Finished 3/22/2721
9 100.00 GPU2 5769 353.0 7431.58 07/19/11 20:01:48 Finished 3/315/1019
8 100.00 GPU2 5768 353.0 7668.90 07/19/11 18:53:17 Finished 8/216/1472
7 100.00 GPU2 5771 353.0 7676.62 07/19/11 17:46:53 Finished 5/110/2273
6 100.00 GPU2 5765 353.0 7717.41 07/19/11 16:40:34 Finished 10/314/961
5 100.00 GPU2 5767 353.0 7762.59 07/19/11 15:34:36 Finished 1/192/866

[07:30:20] Project: 10502 (Run 420, Clone 0, Gen 612)
[07:30:20] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[07:30:20] Entering M.D.
[07:30:26] Will resume from checkpoint file
[07:30:26] Tpr hash work/wudata_04.tpr:  1740716991 1296614059 1140857938 2477917346 2323111772
[07:30:26] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
[07:30:27] Working on Protein
[07:30:27] Client config found, loading data.
[07:30:27] Starting GUI Server
[07:30:28] Resuming from checkpoint
[07:30:28] fcCheckPointResume: retreived and current tpr file hash:
[07:30:28]    0   1740716991   1740716991
[07:30:28]    1   1296614059   1296614059
[07:30:28]    2   1140857938   1140857938
[07:30:28]    3   2477917346   2477917346
[07:30:28]    4   2323111772   2323111772
[07:30:28] fcCheckPointResume: file hashes same.
[07:30:28] fcCheckPointResume: state restored.
[07:30:28] Verified work/wudata_04.log
[07:30:28] Verified work/wudata_04.edr
[07:30:28] Verified work/wudata_04.xtc
[07:30:28] Completed 31%

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
3 75.00 Gro-A3 6958 552.0 0.09 Current 0/1/95
2 100.00 Gro-A3 7152 585.0 597.96 05/29/11 10:07:11 Finished 0/29/140
1 100.00 Gro-A3 7143 585.0 588.22 05/28/11 10:38:11 Finished 0/29/123
0 100.00 Gro-A3 6055 481.0 499.19 05/27/11 10:45:53 Finished 1/132/224
9 100.00 Gro-A3 6051 481.0 514.33 05/26/11 11:38:09 Finished 0/22/387
8 100.00 Gro-A3 7130 585.0 614.79 05/25/11 13:11:15 Finished 0/27/86
7 100.00 Gro-A3 6941 552.0 573.11 05/24/11 14:20:52 Finished 0/2/16
6 0.00 Gro-A3 6941 552.0 N/A   Deleted 0/2/16
5 100.00 Gro-A3 6996 552.0 576.22 05/22/11 18:34:26 Finished 0/77/26
4 100.00 Gro-A3 7145 585.0 616.68 05/21/11 19:34:47 Finished 0/15/110

[03:14:52] Completed 275000 out of 500000 steps  (55%)
[03:30:04] Completed 280000 out of 500000 steps  (56%)
[03:45:15] Completed 285000 out of 500000 steps  (57%)
[04:00:26] Completed 290000 out of 500000 steps  (58%)
[04:15:23] Completed 295000 out of 500000 steps  (59%)
[04:30:33] Completed 300000 out of 500000 steps  (60%)
[04:40:02] - Autosending finished units... [May 30 04:40:02 UTC]
[04:40:02] Trying to send all finished work units
[04:40:02] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[04:40:02] - Autosend completed
[04:45:30] Completed 305000 out of 500000 steps  (61%)
[05:00:39] Completed 310000 out of 500000 steps  (62%)
[05:15:46] Completed 315000 out of 500000 steps  (63%)
[05:30:53] Completed 320000 out of 500000 steps  (64%)
[05:45:50] Completed 325000 out of 500000 steps  (65%)
[06:01:01] Completed 330000 out of 500000 steps  (66%)
[06:16:00] Completed 335000 out of 500000 steps  (67%)
[06:31:14] Completed 340000 out of 500000 steps  (68%)
[06:46:27] Completed 345000 out of 500000 steps  (69%)
[07:01:40] Completed 350000 out of 500000 steps  (70%)
[07:16:50] Completed 355000 out of 500000 steps  (71%)
[07:32:03] Completed 360000 out of 500000 steps  (72%)
[07:47:12] Completed 365000 out of 500000 steps  (73%)
[08:02:16] Completed 370000 out of 500000 steps  (74%)
[08:17:22] Completed 375000 out of 500000 steps  (75%)

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
1 -100.00 GPU2 5766 353.0 N/A Deleted 5/463/3901
0 100.00 GPU2 5770 353.0 N/A 10/26/13 10:02:04 Deleted 11/324/4460
9 100.00 GPU2 5765 353.0 N/A 10/26/13 10:01:39 Deleted 3/140/1854
8 100.00 GPU2 5769 353.0 N/A 10/26/13 10:01:14 Deleted 12/138/5068
7 100.00 GPU2 5765 353.0 N/A 10/26/13 10:00:46 Deleted 7/180/2025
6 100.00 GPU2 5767 353.0 N/A 10/25/13 10:00:20 Deleted 3/86/3033
5 100.00 GPU2 5770 353.0 N/A 10/25/13 09:59:54 Deleted 13/255/5183
4 100.00 GPU2 5766 353.0 N/A 10/25/13 09:59:29 Deleted 0/44/4134
3 100.00 GPU2 5772 353.0 N/A 10/25/13 09:59:05 Deleted 14/304/2580
2 100.00 GPU2 5768 353.0 N/A 10/25/13 09:58:40 Deleted 8/193/5288

[14:02:25] logfile size=4946 infoLength=4946 edr=0 trr=25
[14:02:25] + Opened results file
[14:02:25] - Writing 5484 bytes of core data to disk...
[14:02:25] Done: 4972 -> 1861 (compressed to 37.4 percent)
[14:02:25]   ... Done.
[14:02:25] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_01.ckp
[14:02:25] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE
[14:02:29] CoreStatus = 7A (122)
[14:02:29] Sending work to server
[14:02:29] Project: 5766 (Run 5, Clone 463, Gen 3901)
[14:02:29] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[14:02:29] + Attempting to send results [October 26 14:02:29 UTC]
[14:02:29] - Reading file work/wuresults_01.dat from core
[14:02:29]   (Read 2373 bytes from disk)
[14:02:29] Gpu type=2 species=11.
[14:02:29] Connecting to
[14:02:30] Posted data.
[14:02:31] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~1 kB/s
[14:02:31] - Averaged speed for that direction ~7 kB/s
[14:02:31] + Results successfully sent
[14:02:31] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[14:02:35] EUE limit exceeded. Pausing 24 hours.

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
5 -100.00 GPU2 5768 353.0 N/A Deleted 8/219/3111
4 100.00 GPU2 5766 353.0 N/A 10/26/13 10:00:45 Deleted 0/115/5803
3 100.00 GPU2 5768 353.0 N/A 10/26/13 10:00:20 Deleted 8/216/5994
2 100.00 GPU2 5772 353.0 N/A 10/26/13 09:59:55 Deleted 11/379/6578
1 100.00 GPU2 5768 353.0 N/A 10/26/13 09:59:30 Deleted 8/15/6571
0 100.00 GPU2 5771 353.0 N/A 10/25/13 09:59:03 Deleted 8/315/6876
9 100.00 GPU2 5767 353.0 N/A 10/25/13 09:58:38 Deleted 3/217/4100
8 100.00 GPU2 5771 353.0 N/A 10/25/13 09:58:13 Deleted 12/145/7892
7 100.00 GPU2 5770 353.0 N/A 10/25/13 09:57:48 Deleted 13/143/5941
6 100.00 GPU2 5767 353.0 N/A 10/25/13 09:57:23 Deleted 8/81/3835

[14:01:09] + Opened results file
[14:01:09] - Writing 5483 bytes of core data to disk...
[14:01:10] Done: 4971 -> 1863 (compressed to 37.4 percent)
[14:01:10]   ... Done.
[14:01:10] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_05.ckp
[14:01:10] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE
[14:01:14] CoreStatus = 7A (122)
[14:01:14] Sending work to server
[14:01:14] Project: 5768 (Run 8, Clone 219, Gen 3111)
[14:01:14] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[14:01:14] + Attempting to send results [October 26 14:01:14 UTC]
[14:01:14] - Reading file work/wuresults_05.dat from core
[14:01:14]   (Read 2375 bytes from disk)
[14:01:14] Gpu type=2 species=11.
[14:01:14] Connecting to
[14:01:14] Posted data.
[14:01:14] Initial: 0000; Conversation time very short, giving reduced weight in bandwidth avg
[14:01:14] - Uploaded at ~6 kB/s
[14:01:14] - Averaged speed for that direction ~4 kB/s
[14:01:14] + Results successfully sent
[14:01:14] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[14:01:18] EUE limit exceeded. Pausing 24 hours.

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
4 77.00 GPU2 10513 587.0 0.09 Current 8/981/139
3 100.00 GPU2 10506 587.0 4813.67 01/07/11 21:28:58 Finished 2/474/148
2 100.00 GPU2 10511 587.0 4815.04 01/07/11 18:33:14 Finished 0/426/179
1 100.00 GPU2 6606 450.0 4344.13 01/07/11 15:37:34 Finished 10/472/525
0 100.00 GPU2 10506 587.0 4817.78 01/07/11 13:08:14 Finished 3/37/261
9 100.00 GPU2 6603 450.0 4316.64 01/07/11 10:12:39 Finished 9/830/124
8 100.00 GPU2 6606 450.0 4327.69 01/07/11 07:42:24 Finished 1/63/108
7 100.00 GPU2 10511 587.0 4814.12 01/07/11 05:12:32 Finished 5/355/9
6 100.00 GPU2 6603 450.0 4327.21 01/07/11 02:16:49 Finished 7/927/112
5 100.00 GPU2 10515 587.0 4819.16 01/06/11 23:46:55 Finished 6/516/8

[04:20:57] Completed 68%
[04:22:36] Completed 69%
[04:24:14] Completed 70%
[04:25:52] Completed 71%
[04:27:30] Completed 72%
[04:29:09] Completed 73%
[04:30:47] Completed 74%
[04:32:25] Completed 75%
[04:34:04] Completed 76%
[04:35:43] Completed 77%

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26

Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish

[16:22:02] Completed 51%
[16:24:23] Completed 52%
[16:26:44] Completed 53%
[16:29:05] Completed 54%
[16:31:26] Completed 55%
[16:33:47] Completed 56%
[16:36:08] Completed 57%
[16:38:29] Completed 58%
[16:40:50] Completed 59%
[16:43:12] Completed 60%
[16:45:32] Completed 61%
[16:47:53] Completed 62%
[16:50:15] Completed 63%
[16:52:36] Completed 64%
[16:54:56] Completed 65%
[16:57:17] Completed 66%
[16:59:39] Completed 67%
[17:02:00] Completed 68%
[17:04:21] Completed 69%
[17:06:42] Completed 70%
[17:09:03] Completed 71%
[17:11:24] Completed 72%
[17:13:45] Completed 73%
[17:16:06] Completed 74%
[17:18:27] Completed 75%

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
3 51.00 Gro-A3 7148 585.0 0.06 Current 0/73/80
2 100.00 Gro-A3 7140 585.0 736.71 05/26/11 04:18:02 Finished 0/62/90
1 100.00 Gro-A3 7129 585.0 737.20 05/25/11 09:13:32 Finished 0/87/69
0 100.00 Gro-A3 7143 585.0 726.41 05/24/11 14:09:47 Finished 0/70/110
9 100.00 Gro-A3 6978 552.0 684.86 05/23/11 18:49:04 Finished 0/31/77
8 100.00 Gro-A3 6985 552.0 686.85 05/22/11 23:27:09 Finished 0/73/20
7 100.00 Gro-A3 6052 481.0 623.38 05/22/11 04:08:46 Finished 0/139/289
6 100.00 Gro-A3 6973 552.0 688.02 05/21/11 09:36:37 Finished 0/66/77
5 100.00 Gro-A3 6986 552.0 686.38 05/20/11 14:20:16 Finished 0/114/21
4 100.00 Gro-A3 6943 552.0 679.57 05/19/11 19:01:08 Finished 0/26/18

[14:00:01] Trying to send all finished work units
[14:00:01] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[14:00:01] - Autosend completed
[14:03:10] Completed 150000 out of 500000 steps  (30%)
[14:14:35] Completed 155000 out of 500000 steps  (31%)
[14:26:00] Completed 160000 out of 500000 steps  (32%)
[14:37:25] Completed 165000 out of 500000 steps  (33%)
[14:48:51] Completed 170000 out of 500000 steps  (34%)
[15:00:16] Completed 175000 out of 500000 steps  (35%)
[15:11:40] Completed 180000 out of 500000 steps  (36%)
[15:23:07] Completed 185000 out of 500000 steps  (37%)
[15:34:33] Completed 190000 out of 500000 steps  (38%)
[15:45:59] Completed 195000 out of 500000 steps  (39%)
[15:57:23] Completed 200000 out of 500000 steps  (40%)
[16:08:48] Completed 205000 out of 500000 steps  (41%)
[16:20:14] Completed 210000 out of 500000 steps  (42%)
[16:31:39] Completed 215000 out of 500000 steps  (43%)
[16:43:06] Completed 220000 out of 500000 steps  (44%)
[16:54:31] Completed 225000 out of 500000 steps  (45%)
[17:05:56] Completed 230000 out of 500000 steps  (46%)
[17:17:21] Completed 235000 out of 500000 steps  (47%)
[17:28:46] Completed 240000 out of 500000 steps  (48%)
[17:40:10] Completed 245000 out of 500000 steps  (49%)
[17:51:35] Completed 250000 out of 500000 steps  (50%)
[18:03:00] Completed 255000 out of 500000 steps  (51%)

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
1 -100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 N/A Deleted 584/0/87
0 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 N/A 05/25/11 17:29:07 Deleted 562/0/75
9 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 N/A 05/25/11 17:28:42 Deleted 561/2/80
8 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 N/A 05/25/11 17:28:17 Deleted 4/2/94
7 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 N/A 05/25/11 17:27:51 Deleted 330/1/48
6 100.00 GPU2 10123 494.0 N/A 05/24/11 17:27:26 Deleted 74/3/91
5 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 N/A 05/24/11 17:27:00 Deleted 726/3/73
4 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 N/A 05/24/11 17:26:35 Deleted 256/1/78
3 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 N/A 05/24/11 17:26:10 Deleted 18/0/81
2 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 N/A 05/24/11 17:25:44 Deleted 586/4/62

[21:29:32] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[21:29:32] + Attempting to send results [May 25 21:29:32 UTC]
[21:29:32] - Reading file work/wuresults_01.dat from core
[21:29:32]   (Read 2367 bytes from disk)
[21:29:32] Connecting to
[21:29:33] Posted data.
[21:29:33] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~3 kB/s
[21:29:33] - Averaged speed for that direction ~4 kB/s
[21:29:33] + Results successfully sent
[21:29:33] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[21:29:37] EUE limit exceeded. Pausing 24 hours.
[02:00:30] - Autosending finished units... [May 26 02:00:30 UTC]
[02:00:30] Trying to send all finished work units
[02:00:30] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[02:00:30] - Autosend completed
[08:00:30] - Autosending finished units... [May 26 08:00:30 UTC]
[08:00:30] Trying to send all finished work units
[08:00:30] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[08:00:30] - Autosend completed
[14:00:30] - Autosending finished units... [May 26 14:00:30 UTC]
[14:00:30] Trying to send all finished work units
[14:00:30] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[14:00:30] - Autosend completed

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
4 3.00 Gro-A3 7500 529.0 0.00 Current 0/118/465
3 0.00 Gro-A3 7130 585.0 N/A   Deleted 0/5/111
2 100.00 Gro-A3 6963 552.0 387.78 05/22/11 23:55:42 Finished 0/44/92
1 100.00 Gro-A3 6076 481.0 352.76 05/21/11 13:45:39 Finished 0/57/234
0 100.00 Gro-A3 7135 585.0 415.29 05/20/11 05:01:59 Finished 0/98/52
9 100.00 Gro-A3 6069 481.0 351.94 05/18/11 19:13:17 Finished 0/83/284
8 100.00 Gro-A3 6981 552.0 380.65 05/17/11 10:24:58 Finished 0/42/17
7 100.00 Gro-A3 6951 439.0 333.95 05/15/11 23:36:35 Finished 0/67/113
6 100.00 Gro-A3 6987 552.0 390.44 05/14/11 16:03:25 Finished 0/40/20
5 100.00 Gro-A3 6991 552.0 389.68 05/13/11 06:07:24 Finished 0/12/10

[22:40:09] + Working ...
[22:40:09] - Calling './FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 04 -np 2 -checkpoint 15 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 5356 -v
ersion 629'

[22:40:09] *------------------------------*
[22:40:09] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[22:40:09] Version 2.27 (Dec. 15, 2010)
[22:40:09] Preparing to commence simulation
[22:40:09] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on.
[22:40:09] - Not checking prior termination.
[22:40:09] - Expanded 1248637 -> 2077012 (decompressed 166.3 percent)
[22:40:09] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=1248637 data_size=2077012, decompressed_data_size=2077012 diff=0
[22:40:09] - Digital signature verified
[22:40:09] Project: 7500 (Run 0, Clone 118, Gen 465)
[22:40:09] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[22:40:09] Entering M.D.
[22:40:15] Mapping NT from 2 to 2
[22:40:16] Completed 0 out of 500000 steps  (0%)
[22:56:43] Completed 5000 out of 500000 steps  (1%)
[23:12:23] Completed 10000 out of 500000 steps  (2%)
[23:28:03] Completed 15000 out of 500000 steps  (3%)

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
7 55.00 GPU2 5765 353.0 0.04 Current 9/53/854
6 0.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 N/A   Deleted 480/1/55
5 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 4279.72 05/23/11 21:21:30 Finished 42/2/69
4 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 4280.14 05/23/11 18:34:56 Finished 692/4/62
3 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 4280.14 05/23/11 15:48:37 Finished 765/0/79
2 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 4279.72 05/23/11 13:02:19 Finished 646/2/50
1 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 4280.14 05/23/11 10:15:56 Finished 771/2/54
0 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 4279.72 05/23/11 07:29:38 Finished 691/3/37
9 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 4280.14 05/23/11 04:43:19 Finished 230/0/46
8 100.00 GPU2 10122 494.0 4280.57 05/23/11 01:57:01 Finished 180/0/74

[23:09:08] Completed 31%
[23:10:04] Completed 32%
[23:10:59] Completed 33%
[23:11:54] Completed 34%
[23:12:50] Completed 35%
[23:13:45] Completed 36%
[23:14:40] Completed 37%
[23:15:36] Completed 38%
[23:16:31] Completed 39%
[23:17:26] Completed 40%
[23:18:21] Completed 41%
[23:19:17] Completed 42%
[23:20:12] Completed 43%
[23:21:07] Completed 44%
[23:22:03] Completed 45%
[23:22:58] Completed 46%
[23:23:53] Completed 47%
[23:24:48] Completed 48%
[23:25:44] Completed 49%
[23:26:39] Completed 50%
[23:27:35] Completed 51%
[23:28:30] Completed 52%
[23:29:25] Completed 53%
[23:30:20] Completed 54%
[23:31:16] Completed 55%

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
1 27.00 GPU2 5765 353.0 0.02 Current 10/157/752
0 100.00 GPU2 5769 353.0 4758.07 03/20/12 13:11:51 Finished 14/26/957
9 100.00 GPU2 5772 353.0 4876.75 03/20/12 11:24:52 Finished 10/8/27
8 100.00 GPU2 10503 587.0 4692.52 03/20/12 09:40:29 Finished 383/0/1058
7 100.00 GPU2 10501 587.0 4712.14 03/20/12 06:40:12 Finished 110/1/713
6 100.00 GPU2 10503 587.0 4710.39 03/20/12 03:40:40 Finished 44/0/1073
5 100.00 GPU2 10502 587.0 4696.87 03/20/12 00:41:04 Finished 246/0/766
4 100.00 GPU2 10504 587.0 4701.66 03/19/12 21:40:56 Finished 270/0/983
3 100.00 GPU2 5769 353.0 5042.02 03/19/12 18:41:01 Finished 4/16/875
2 100.00 GPU2 5769 353.0 5040.36 03/19/12 17:00:04 Finished 9/192/2397

[17:20:09] Completed 8%
[17:21:10] Completed 9%
[17:22:10] Completed 10%
[17:23:10] Completed 11%
[17:24:11] Completed 12%
[17:25:11] Completed 13%
[17:26:11] Completed 14%
[17:27:12] Completed 15%
[17:28:12] Completed 16%
[17:29:12] Completed 17%
[17:30:13] Completed 18%
[17:31:13] Completed 19%
[17:32:13] Completed 20%
[17:33:14] Completed 21%
[17:34:14] Completed 22%
[17:35:15] Completed 23%
[17:36:15] Completed 24%
[17:37:16] Completed 25%
[17:38:16] Completed 26%
[17:39:17] Completed 27%

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
0 -100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 -3063.18 Finished 586/0/270
9 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 3075.22 01/24/14 19:40:18 Finished 586/0/269
8 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 3072.47 01/22/14 22:44:23 Finished 586/0/268
7 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 3066.86 01/21/14 01:46:03 Finished 586/0/267
6 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 3067.26 01/19/14 04:42:47 Finished 586/0/266
5 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 3065.80 01/17/14 07:39:51 Finished 1422/0/315
4 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 3066.31 01/15/14 10:35:37 Finished 1016/0/259
3 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 3064.03 01/13/14 13:31:52 Finished 224/2/136
2 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 3062.67 01/11/14 16:26:07 Finished 178/0/276
1 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 3063.48 01/09/14 19:19:10 Finished 145/0/201

[21:46:45] Done: 522257 -> 499988 (compressed to 95.7 percent)
[21:46:45]   ... Done.
[21:46:45] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_00.ckp
[21:46:45] Shutting down core
[21:46:45] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[21:46:49] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[21:46:49] Sending work to server
[21:46:49] Project: 8018 (Run 586, Clone 0, Gen 270)
[21:46:49] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[21:46:49] + Attempting to send results [January 26 21:46:49 UTC]
[21:46:49] Gpu type=3 species=20.
[21:46:51] + Results successfully sent
[21:46:51] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[21:46:51] + Number of Units Completed: 49

[21:46:55] + -oneunit flag given and have now finished a unit. Exiting.
Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
3 77.00 Gro-A3 8531 1664.0 0.32 Current 0/5/307
2 100.00 Gro-A3 8819 1633.0 789.86 07/27/13 20:26:10 Finished 0/24/45
1 100.00 Gro-A3 8557 1654.0 795.84 07/25/13 18:48:40 Finished 0/2/261
0 100.00 Gro-A3 8830 1633.0 775.99 07/23/13 16:55:33 Finished 0/22/36
9 100.00 Gro-A3 8556 1673.0 798.23 07/21/13 14:24:42 Finished 0/7/251
8 100.00 Gro-A3 8811 1633.0 769.39 07/19/13 12:06:17 Finished 0/18/28
7 100.00 Gro-A3 8565 1668.0 784.77 07/17/13 09:09:35 Finished 0/3/234
6 100.00 Gro-A3 8833 1633.0 770.94 07/15/13 06:08:33 Finished 0/9/35
5 100.00 Gro-A3 8562 1665.0 783.34 07/13/13 03:18:02 Finished 0/4/222
4 100.00 Gro-A3 8832 1633.0 768.13 07/11/13 00:16:25 Finished 0/23/19

[04:30:26] Completed 285000 out of 500000 steps  (57%)
[05:02:23] Completed 290000 out of 500000 steps  (58%)
[05:31:05] Completed 295000 out of 500000 steps  (59%)
[05:59:47] Completed 300000 out of 500000 steps  (60%)
[06:28:35] Completed 305000 out of 500000 steps  (61%)
[07:00:35] Completed 310000 out of 500000 steps  (62%)
[07:29:21] Completed 315000 out of 500000 steps  (63%)
[07:58:06] Completed 320000 out of 500000 steps  (64%)
[08:26:40] Completed 325000 out of 500000 steps  (65%)
[08:58:25] Completed 330000 out of 500000 steps  (66%)
[09:27:03] Completed 335000 out of 500000 steps  (67%)
[09:55:46] Completed 340000 out of 500000 steps  (68%)
[10:18:45] - Autosending finished units... [July 29 10:18:45 UTC]
[10:18:45] Trying to send all finished work units
[10:18:45] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[10:18:45] - Autosend completed
[10:24:35] Completed 345000 out of 500000 steps  (69%)
[10:56:14] Completed 350000 out of 500000 steps  (70%)
[11:24:48] Completed 355000 out of 500000 steps  (71%)
[11:53:36] Completed 360000 out of 500000 steps  (72%)
[12:22:10] Completed 365000 out of 500000 steps  (73%)
[12:54:12] Completed 370000 out of 500000 steps  (74%)
[13:23:03] Completed 375000 out of 500000 steps  (75%)
[13:51:43] Completed 380000 out of 500000 steps  (76%)
[14:20:44] Completed 385000 out of 500000 steps  (77%)

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
0 100.00 Gro-A3 6012 470.0 271.48 Finished 2/397/199
9 100.00 Gro-A3 6058 481.0 273.70 09/05/10 05:07:59 Finished 0/71/60
8 100.00 Gro-A3 6020 467.0 131.20 09/03/10 10:52:33 Finished 0/132/268
7 100.00 Gro-A3 6041 1395.0 291.85 08/30/10 21:12:42 Finished 0/77/57
6 0.00 Gro-A3 6041 1395.0 N/A   Deleted 0/77/57
5 100.00 Gro-A3 6701 921.0 288.37 08/26/10 02:16:15 Finished 5/0/45
4 100.00 Gro-A3 6015 484.0 268.68 08/22/10 21:32:00 Finished 0/111/302
3 100.00 Gro-A3 6050 481.0 279.92 08/21/10 02:17:04 Finished 0/63/154
2 100.00 Gro-A3 6014 484.0 277.46 08/19/10 08:56:34 Finished 3/90/103
1 100.00 Gro-A3 6062 481.0 243.42 08/17/10 15:03:28 Finished 0/52/120

[02:41:37] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[02:41:53] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[02:41:53] Unit 0 finished with 71 percent of time to deadline remaining.
[02:41:53] Updated performance fraction: 0.599260
[02:41:53] Sending work to server
[02:41:53] Project: 6012 (Run 2, Clone 397, Gen 199)

[02:41:53] + Attempting to send results [September 7 02:41:53 UTC]
[02:41:53] - Reading file work/wuresults_00.dat from core
[02:41:53]   (Read 20545674 bytes from disk)
[02:41:53] Connecting to
[02:43:58] Posted data.
[02:43:58] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~159 kB/s
[02:43:59] - Averaged speed for that direction ~289 kB/s
[02:43:59] + Results successfully sent
[02:43:59] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[02:43:59] + Number of Units Completed: 293

[02:47:05] Trying to send all finished work units
[02:47:05] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[02:47:05] + -oneunit flag given and have now finished a unit. Exiting.***** Got a SIGTERM signal (15)
[02:47:05] Killing all core threads

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
3 65.00 Gro-A3 6068 481.0 0.06 Current 0/94/79
2 0.00 Gro-A3 6068 481.0 N/A   Deleted 1/1/81
1 100.00 Gro-A3 6056 481.0 319.37 09/25/10 06:55:40 Finished 0/196/39
0 100.00 Gro-A3 6701 921.0 281.21 09/23/10 18:43:16 Finished 86/11/43
9 0.00 Gro-A3 6702 921.0 N/A   Deleted 14/96/32
8 100.00 Gro-A3 6073 481.0 413.06 09/14/10 03:20:19 Finished 0/58/81
7 100.00 Gro-A3 6024 474.0 411.53 09/12/10 23:22:02 Finished 0/2/257
6 100.00 Gro-A3 6077 481.0 409.22 09/11/10 19:42:55 Finished 0/88/83
5 100.00 Gro-A3 6055 481.0 399.58 09/10/10 15:29:50 Finished 1/27/16
4 100.00 Gro-A3 6068 481.0 406.24 09/09/10 10:35:50 Finished 0/95/106

[10:28:25] Completed 225000 out of 500000 steps  (45%)
[10:46:37] Completed 230000 out of 500000 steps  (46%)
[11:05:26] Completed 235000 out of 500000 steps  (47%)
[11:23:46] Completed 240000 out of 500000 steps  (48%)
[11:41:55] Completed 245000 out of 500000 steps  (49%)
[12:00:09] Completed 250000 out of 500000 steps  (50%)
[12:19:00] Completed 255000 out of 500000 steps  (51%)
[12:37:24] Completed 260000 out of 500000 steps  (52%)
[12:55:59] Completed 265000 out of 500000 steps  (53%)
[13:14:54] Completed 270000 out of 500000 steps  (54%)
[13:33:45] Completed 275000 out of 500000 steps  (55%)
[13:37:45] - Autosending finished units... [October 8 13:37:45 UTC]
[13:37:45] Trying to send all finished work units
[13:37:45] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[13:37:45] - Autosend completed
[13:52:50] Completed 280000 out of 500000 steps  (56%)
[14:13:30] Completed 285000 out of 500000 steps  (57%)
[14:33:21] Completed 290000 out of 500000 steps  (58%)
[14:53:07] Completed 295000 out of 500000 steps  (59%)
[15:13:55] Completed 300000 out of 500000 steps  (60%)
[15:34:03] Completed 305000 out of 500000 steps  (61%)
[15:54:06] Completed 310000 out of 500000 steps  (62%)
[16:15:29] Completed 315000 out of 500000 steps  (63%)
[16:35:34] Completed 320000 out of 500000 steps  (64%)
[16:55:36] Completed 325000 out of 500000 steps  (65%)

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
6 9.00 Gromacs 2483 905.0 0.02 Current 108/23/17
5 100.00 Gromacs 6313 336.0 285.95 01/04/10 20:11:19 Finished 541/52/0
4 100.00 Gromacs 2484 905.0 240.02 01/03/10 15:58:14 Finished 212/4/17
3 100.00 Gromacs 2498 905.0 245.58 12/30/09 21:27:38 Finished 139/5/17
2 100.00 Gromacs 2483 905.0 239.65 12/27/09 04:59:55 Finished 49/23/17
1 100.00 Gromacs 2483 905.0 112.80 12/23/09 10:19:30 Finished 7/22/15
0 100.00 Gromacs 2498 905.0 218.27 12/15/09 09:44:59 Finished 239/4/16
9 100.00 Gromacs 2484 905.0 242.89 12/11/09 06:13:06 Finished 111/6/16
8 100.00 Gromacs 2485 905.0 245.10 12/07/09 12:46:06 Finished 74/8/3
7 100.00 Gromacs 2484 905.0 243.47 12/03/09 20:07:27 Finished 24/22/3

[12:12:14] Writing local files
[12:12:14] Completed 127500 out of 250000 steps  (51%)
[12:24:59] Writing local files
[12:24:59] Completed 130000 out of 250000 steps  (52%)
[12:37:44] Writing local files
[12:37:44] Completed 132500 out of 250000 steps  (53%)
[12:50:28] Writing local files
[12:50:28] Completed 135000 out of 250000 steps  (54%)
[13:03:11] Writing local files
[13:03:11] Completed 137500 out of 250000 steps  (55%)
[13:15:59] Writing local files
[13:15:59] Completed 140000 out of 250000 steps  (56%)
[13:28:42] Writing local files
[13:28:42] Completed 142500 out of 250000 steps  (57%)
[13:42:03] Writing local files
[13:42:03] Completed 145000 out of 250000 steps  (58%)
[13:54:49] Writing local files
[13:54:49] Completed 147500 out of 250000 steps  (59%)
[14:07:33] Writing local files
[14:07:33] Completed 150000 out of 250000 steps  (60%)
[14:20:21] Writing local files
[14:20:21] Completed 152500 out of 250000 steps  (61%)
[14:33:05] Writing local files
[14:33:05] Completed 155000 out of 250000 steps  (62%)
[14:45:49] Writing local files
[14:45:49] Completed 157500 out of 250000 steps  (63%)
[14:58:34] Writing local files
[14:58:34] Completed 160000 out of 250000 steps  (64%)
[15:11:38] Writing local files
[15:11:38] Completed 162500 out of 250000 steps  (65%)
[15:22:45] - Autosending finished units... [August 29 15:22:45 UTC]
[15:22:45] Trying to send all finished work units
[15:22:45] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[15:22:45] - Autosend completed
[15:24:36] Writing local files
[15:24:36] Completed 165000 out of 250000 steps  (66%)
[15:37:22] Writing local files
[15:37:22] Completed 167500 out of 250000 steps  (67%)
[15:50:32] Writing local files
[15:50:32] Completed 170000 out of 250000 steps  (68%)

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
5 100.00 Gro-A3 7506 706.0 992.31 Finished 0/23/378
4 100.00 Gro-A3 7508 770.0 1351.32 07/20/12 06:43:13 Finished 0/85/341
3 100.00 Gro-A3 7508 770.0 1093.51 07/19/12 16:59:16 Finished 0/85/340
2 100.00 Gro-A3 7508 770.0 1303.98 07/19/12 00:01:53 Finished 0/141/299
1 100.00 Gro-A3 7501 494.0 1559.94 07/18/12 09:49:29 Finished 0/3/496
0 100.00 Gro-A3 7514 700.0 1233.30 07/18/12 02:09:50 Finished 0/123/9
9 100.00 Gro-A3 7501 494.0 1211.13 07/17/12 12:30:31 Finished 0/242/409
8 100.00 Gro-A3 7508 770.0 1341.02 07/17/12 02:40:01 Finished 0/66/345
7 100.00 Gro-A3 7514 700.0 1404.85 07/16/12 12:50:03 Finished 0/145/17
6 100.00 Gro-A3 7503 552.0 1382.60 07/16/12 00:50:25 Finished 0/92/484

[03:51:51] Unit 5 finished with 88 percent of time to deadline remaining.
[03:51:51] Updated performance fraction: 0.895483
[03:51:51] Sending work to server
[03:51:51] Project: 7506 (Run 0, Clone 23, Gen 378)

[03:51:51] + Attempting to send results [July 21 03:51:51 UTC]
[03:51:51] - Reading file work/wuresults_05.dat from core
[03:51:51]   (Read 11288576 bytes from disk)
[03:51:51] Connecting to
[03:52:20] Posted data.
[03:52:20] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~380 kB/s
[03:52:20] - Averaged speed for that direction ~393 kB/s
[03:52:20] + Results successfully sent
[03:52:20] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[03:52:20] + Number of Units Completed: 1234

[03:55:12] Trying to send all finished work units
[03:55:12] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[03:55:12] + -oneunit flag given and have now finished a unit. Exiting.- Preparing to get new work unit...
[03:55:12] Cleaning up work directory
[03:55:12] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (15)
[03:55:12] Killing all core threads

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
8 -100.00 GPU2 5769 353.0 -0.09 Current 3/51/6032
7 100.00 GPU2 5766 353.0 N/A 09/16/13 17:22:05 Deleted 13/68/7599
6 100.00 GPU2 5770 353.0 N/A 09/16/13 17:21:40 Deleted 3/173/6137
5 100.00 GPU2 5766 353.0 N/A 09/16/13 17:21:15 Deleted 7/386/4283
4 100.00 GPU2 5768 353.0 N/A 09/16/13 17:20:51 Deleted 10/151/4042
3 100.00 GPU2 5765 353.0 N/A 09/16/13 17:20:25 Deleted 14/161/3177
2 100.00 GPU2 5771 353.0 7810.29 09/16/13 16:21:58 Finished 7/94/5523
1 100.00 GPU2 10501 587.0 8177.49 09/16/13 15:16:46 Finished 242/0/1755
0 100.00 GPU2 5769 353.0 8281.08 09/16/13 13:33:17 Finished 3/53/6229
9 100.00 GPU2 5767 353.0 8245.26 09/16/13 12:31:45 Finished 0/38/4335

[02:41:42] Working on queue slot 08 [September 17 02:41:42 UTC]
[02:41:42] + Working ...
[02:41:42] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 08 -nice 19 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 8 -version 630'

[02:41:42] *------------------------------*
[02:41:42] Folding@Home GPU Core
[02:41:42] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)
[02:41:42] Compiler  : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86
[02:41:42] Build host: amoeba
[02:41:42] Board Type: Nvidia
[02:41:42] Core      :
[02:41:42] Preparing to commence simulation
[02:41:42] - Ensuring status. Please wait.
[02:41:52] - Looking at optimizations...
[02:41:52] - Working with standard loops on this execution.
[02:41:52] Examination of work files indicates 8 consecutive improper terminations of core.
[02:41:52] - Expanded 45390 -> 251112 (decompressed 553.2 percent)
[02:41:52] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=45390 data_size=251112, decompressed_data_size=251112 diff=0
[02:41:52] - Digital signature verified
[02:41:52] Project: 5769 (Run 3, Clone 51, Gen 6032)
[02:41:52] Entering M.D.

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
8 -100.00 Gromacs 6894 133.0 -128.40 Finished 984/1/189
7 100.00 Gromacs 6891 137.0 133.53 08/26/13 03:45:10 Finished 901/5/94
6 100.00 Gromacs 6871 67.0 140.59 08/25/13 03:07:32 Finished 55/1/328
5 100.00 Gromacs 6894 133.0 130.27 08/24/13 15:40:57 Finished 242/1/225
4 100.00 Gromacs 6897 135.0 131.65 08/23/13 15:10:23 Finished 636/0/170
3 100.00 Gromacs 6871 67.0 132.93 08/22/13 14:33:29 Finished 169/1/468
2 100.00 Gromacs 6871 67.0 140.11 08/22/13 02:27:27 Finished 30/5/380
1 100.00 Gromacs 6896 135.0 131.80 08/21/13 14:58:32 Finished 96/1/203
0 100.00 Gromacs 6897 135.0 129.53 08/20/13 14:23:14 Finished 204/2/215
9 100.00 Gromacs 6891 137.0 128.50 08/19/13 13:22:00 Finished 128/3/217

[16:24:36] Connecting to
[16:24:37] Posted data.
[16:24:37] Initial: 0000; + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[16:24:37] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[16:24:37] - Attempt #93  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[17:12:40] + Attempting to get work packet
[17:12:40] - Will indicate memory of 959 MB
[17:12:40] - Connecting to assignment server
[17:12:40] Connecting to
[17:12:41] Posted data.
[17:12:41] Initial: 0000; + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[17:12:41] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[17:12:41] - Attempt #94  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[18:00:44] + Attempting to get work packet
[18:00:44] - Will indicate memory of 959 MB
[18:00:44] - Connecting to assignment server
[18:00:44] Connecting to
[18:00:45] Posted data.
[18:00:45] Initial: 0000; + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[18:00:45] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[18:00:45] - Attempt #95  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[18:48:48] + Attempting to get work packet
[18:48:48] - Will indicate memory of 959 MB
[18:48:48] - Connecting to assignment server
[18:48:48] Connecting to
[18:48:49] Posted data.
[18:48:49] Initial: 0000; + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[18:48:49] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[18:48:49] - Attempt #96  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[19:37:01] + Attempting to get work packet
[19:37:01] - Will indicate memory of 959 MB
[19:37:01] - Connecting to assignment server
[19:37:01] Connecting to
[19:37:02] Posted data.
[19:37:02] Initial: 0000; + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[19:37:02] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[19:37:02] - Attempt #97  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
2 6.00 Gro-A3 6941 552.0 0.01 Current 0/49/254
1 0.00 Gro-A3 11020 443.0 N/A   Deleted 0/4625/26
0 0.00 Gro-A3 6053 481.0 N/A   Deleted 0/25/363
9 100.00 Gro-A3 6970 552.0 547.77 06/16/11 16:42:13 Finished 0/1/140
8 100.00 Gro-A3 6055 481.0 497.55 06/15/11 16:30:01 Finished 0/60/466
7 100.00 Gro-A3 6077 481.0 512.91 06/14/11 17:16:51 Finished 0/147/279
6 100.00 Gro-A3 6056 481.0 512.78 06/13/11 18:45:20 Finished 1/75/253
5 100.00 Gro-A3 11021 480.0 603.01 06/12/11 20:12:26 Finished 0/1033/38
4 100.00 Gro-A3 6072 481.0 523.46 06/12/11 01:05:05 Finished 1/4/254
3 100.00 Gro-A3 7137 585.0 198.90 06/11/11 03:00:59 Finished 0/29/135

[20:48:09] - Expanded 1766419 -> 1951112 (decompressed 110.4 percent)
[20:48:09] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=1766419 data_size=1951112, decompressed_data_size=1951112 diff=0
[20:48:09] - Digital signature verified
[20:48:09] Project: 6941 (Run 0, Clone 49, Gen 254)
[20:48:09] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[20:48:09] Entering M.D.
[20:48:15] Mapping NT from 2 to 2
[20:48:16] Completed 0 out of 500000 steps  (0%)
[21:04:33] Completed 5000 out of 500000 steps  (1%)
[21:21:47] Completed 10000 out of 500000 steps  (2%)
[21:36:51] Completed 15000 out of 500000 steps  (3%)
[21:52:03] Completed 20000 out of 500000 steps  (4%)
[22:07:06] Completed 25000 out of 500000 steps  (5%)
[22:22:13] Completed 30000 out of 500000 steps  (6%)
[22:35:25] Killing all core threads
[22:35:25] Could not get process id information.  Please kill core process manually

Folding@Home Client Shutdown at user request.
[22:35:25] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2)
[22:35:25] Killing all core threads
[22:35:25] Could not get process id information.  Please kill core process manually

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
3 100.00 Gro-A3 6050 481.0 480.29 Finished 1/189/301
2 100.00 Gro-A3 6702 921.0 525.51 02/18/11 02:36:27 Finished 13/71/115
1 100.00 Gro-A3 6701 921.0 509.43 02/16/11 08:20:19 Finished 73/31/60
0 100.00 Gro-A3 6053 481.0 576.26 02/14/11 12:55:48 Finished 0/154/181
9 100.00 Gro-A3 6702 921.0 536.86 02/13/11 16:41:25 Finished 5/42/150
8 100.00 Gro-A3 6054 481.0 573.08 02/11/11 23:27:58 Finished 1/101/162
7 100.00 Gro-A3 6056 481.0 579.10 02/11/11 03:18:10 Finished 1/5/155
6 100.00 Gro-A3 6074 481.0 578.18 02/10/11 07:20:57 Finished 0/15/293
5 100.00 Gro-A3 6701 921.0 530.11 02/09/11 11:10:43 Finished 22/10/54
4 100.00 Gro-A3 6054 481.0 564.13 02/07/11 17:27:47 Finished 1/137/164

[07:50:49] Unit 3 finished with 83 percent of time to deadline remaining.
[07:50:49] Updated performance fraction: 0.789201
[07:50:49] Sending work to server
[07:50:49] Project: 6050 (Run 1, Clone 189, Gen 301)

[07:50:49] + Attempting to send results [February 19 07:50:49 UTC]
[07:50:49] - Reading file work/wuresults_03.dat from core
[07:50:49]   (Read 3795675 bytes from disk)
[07:50:49] Connecting to
[07:51:51] Posted data.
[07:51:52] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~58 kB/s
[07:51:52] - Averaged speed for that direction ~55 kB/s
[07:51:52] + Results successfully sent
[07:51:52] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[07:51:52] + Number of Units Completed: 451

[07:51:52] Trying to send all finished work units
[07:51:52] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[07:51:52] + -oneunit flag given and have now finished a unit. Exiting.- Preparing to get new work unit...
[07:51:52] Cleaning up work directory
[07:51:52] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (15)
[07:51:52] Killing all core threads

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
0 76.00 GPU2 5769 353.0 0.06 Current 11/179/226
9 100.00 GPU2 5771 353.0 6571.69 11/22/12 13:13:41 Finished 9/151/5517
8 100.00 GPU2 5772 353.0 6580.19 11/22/12 11:56:12 Finished 7/364/1036
7 100.00 GPU2 5770 353.0 6558.97 11/22/12 10:38:50 Finished 13/255/3594
6 100.00 GPU2 5768 353.0 468.10 11/22/12 09:21:11 Finished 13/212/1737
5 100.00 GPU2 10504 587.0 5903.48 11/21/12 15:15:07 Finished 142/0/1605
4 100.00 GPU2 5768 353.0 6551.92 11/21/12 12:51:49 Finished 10/219/4207
3 100.00 GPU2 10502 587.0 5933.87 11/21/12 11:34:06 Finished 177/0/1441
2 100.00 GPU2 10504 587.0 5908.98 11/21/12 09:11:31 Finished 86/1/905
1 100.00 GPU2 10504 587.0 5922.78 11/21/12 06:48:20 Finished 172/1/787

[20:18:49] Project: 5769 (Run 11, Clone 179, Gen 226)
[20:18:49] Entering M.D.
[20:18:55] Will resume from checkpoint file
[20:18:55] Tpr hash work/wudata_00.tpr:  3128822663 3371415520 4240720028 693790951 1818120049
[20:18:55] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
[20:18:55] Working on Protein
[20:18:56] Client config found, loading data.
[20:18:56] Resuming from checkpoint
[20:18:56] fcCheckPointResume: retreived and current tpr file hash:
[20:18:56]    0   3128822663   3128822663
[20:18:56]    1   3371415520   3371415520
[20:18:56]    2   4240720028   4240720028
[20:18:56]    3    693790951    693790951
[20:18:56]    4   1818120049   1818120049
[20:18:56] fcCheckPointResume: file hashes same.
[20:18:56] fcCheckPointResume: state restored.
[20:18:56] Verified work/wudata_00.log
[20:18:56] Verified work/wudata_00.edr
[20:18:56] Verified work/wudata_00.xtc
[20:18:56] Completed 76%
[20:18:56] Starting GUI Server

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
7 100.00 Gromacs 6507 99.0 129.24 Finished 1/218/69
6 100.00 Gromacs 6510 107.0 127.66 04/07/11 01:08:47 Finished 19/56/64
5 100.00 Gromacs 6509 192.0 136.75 04/06/11 05:01:20 Finished 0/45/92
4 100.00 Gromacs 6513 75.0 126.37 04/04/11 19:19:11 Finished 0/249/90
3 100.00 Gromacs 6513 75.0 N/A 04/04/11 05:04:22 Deleted 16/341/15
2 100.00 Gromacs 6541 93.0 120.73 04/03/11 14:27:22 Finished 6/195/35
1 100.00 Gromacs 6541 93.0 131.09 04/02/11 19:57:46 Finished 7/260/37
0 100.00 Gromacs 6518 72.0 128.97 04/02/11 02:55:56 Finished 13/250/0
9 100.00 Gromacs 6510 107.0 127.30 04/01/11 13:31:38 Finished 7/75/60
8 100.00 Gromacs 6521 106.0 129.33 03/31/11 17:20:52 Finished 14/65/43

[23:32:22] + Results successfully sent
[23:32:22] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[23:32:22] + Number of Units Completed: 1332

[23:32:26] Trying to send all finished work units
[23:32:26] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[23:32:26] + -oneunit flag given and have now finished a unit. Exiting.***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2)
[23:32:26] Killing all core threads

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
2 0.00 Gromacs 6871 67.0 N/A Deleted 507/9/27
1 0.00 Gromacs 6871 67.0 N/A   Deleted 507/9/27
0 0.00 Gromacs 6892 136.0 N/A   Deleted 222/19/0
9 100.00 Gromacs 6882 69.0 102.33 09/20/11 20:04:40 Finished 683/9/33
8 100.00 Gromacs 6872 68.0 104.13 09/20/11 03:53:25 Finished 679/6/5
7 100.00 Gromacs 6872 68.0 104.09 09/19/11 12:12:46 Finished 846/10/13
6 100.00 Gromacs 6888 69.0 102.42 09/18/11 20:31:43 Finished 274/6/7
5 100.00 Gromacs 6888 69.0 102.66 09/18/11 04:21:19 Finished 274/6/6
4 100.00 Gromacs 6888 69.0 102.47 09/17/11 12:13:05 Finished 446/0/23
3 100.00 Gromacs 6888 69.0 102.38 09/16/11 20:03:05 Finished 50/7/5

[17:46:06] Done: 7899 -> 3124 (compressed to 39.5 percent)
[17:46:06]   ... Done.
[17:46:15] Folding@home Core Shutdown: EARLY_UNIT_END
[17:46:34] CoreStatus = 72 (114)
[17:46:34] Sending work to server
[17:46:34] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[17:46:34] + Attempting to send results
[17:46:34] - Reading file work/wuresults_02.dat from core
[17:46:34]   (Read 3636 bytes from disk)
[17:46:34] Connecting to
[17:46:34] Posted data.
[17:46:34] Initial: 0000; Conversation time very short, giving reduced weight in bandwidth avg
[17:46:34] - Uploaded at ~9 kB/s
[17:46:34] - Averaged speed for that direction ~49 kB/s
[17:46:34] + Results successfully sent
[17:46:34] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[17:46:34] Trying to send all finished work units
[17:46:34] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[17:46:34] + -oneunit flag given and have now finished a unit. Exiting.***** Got a SIGTERM signal (15)
[17:46:34] Killing all core threads

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
8 100.00 Gro-A4 10721 654.0 221.53 Finished 0/4137/0
7 100.00 Gromacs 6521 106.0 137.66 04/07/11 19:08:42 Finished 16/12/41
6 100.00 Gromacs 6521 106.0 134.57 04/07/11 00:39:32 Finished 4/102/31
5 100.00 Gromacs 6512 59.0 142.80 04/06/11 05:44:55 Finished 5/271/53
4 100.00 Gromacs 6510 107.0 136.47 04/05/11 19:49:36 Finished 0/40/90
3 100.00 Gromacs 6521 106.0 137.73 04/05/11 01:00:12 Finished 7/76/38
2 100.00 Gromacs 6513 75.0 139.75 04/04/11 06:31:34 Finished 13/339/7
1 100.00 Gromacs 6502 59.0 144.46 04/03/11 10:35:06 Finished 19/588/33
0 100.00 Gromacs 6524 89.0 139.07 04/03/11 00:46:38 Finished 16/91/77
9 100.00 Gromacs 6518 72.0 141.82 04/02/11 09:24:46 Finished 15/190/48

[22:00:17] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[22:00:17] + Attempting to send results [April 10 22:00:17 UTC]
[22:00:17] - Reading file work/wuresults_08.dat from core
[22:00:17]   (Read 1952483 bytes from disk)
[22:00:17] Connecting to
[22:00:50] Posted data.
[22:00:50] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~57 kB/s
[22:00:50] - Averaged speed for that direction ~54 kB/s
[22:00:50] + Results successfully sent
[22:00:50] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[22:00:50] + Number of Units Completed: 655

[22:00:54] Trying to send all finished work units
[22:00:54] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[22:00:54] + -oneunit flag given and have now finished a unit. Exiting.***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2)
[22:00:54] Killing all core threads

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
7 100.00 GPU2 6600 450.0 3687.41 Finished 2/472/617
6 100.00 GPU2 10506 587.0 3925.45 04/10/11 16:11:57 Finished 4/196/365
5 100.00 GPU2 10513 587.0 3937.95 04/10/11 12:36:28 Finished 0/322/423
4 100.00 GPU2 6601 450.0 3697.93 04/10/11 09:01:40 Finished 2/111/802
3 100.00 GPU2 6602 450.0 3697.93 04/10/11 06:06:17 Finished 5/106/767
2 100.00 GPU2 10515 587.0 4091.71 04/10/11 03:10:54 Finished 8/0/326
1 100.00 GPU2 5768 353.0 4155.77 04/09/11 23:44:10 Finished 8/185/1030
0 100.00 GPU2 5766 353.0 4156.34 04/09/11 21:41:43 Finished 11/13/1225
9 100.00 GPU2 5793 787.0 3840.33 04/09/11 19:39:16 Finished 8/954/8
8 100.00 GPU2 5797 787.0 3841.63 04/09/11 14:44:00 Finished 3/975/7

[23:07:51] Project: 6600 (Run 2, Clone 472, Gen 617)
[23:07:51] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[23:07:51] + Attempting to send results [April 10 23:07:51 UTC]
[23:07:51] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core
[23:07:51]   (Read 119117 bytes from disk)
[23:07:51] Gpu type=2 species=12.
[23:07:51] Connecting to
[23:07:54] Posted data.
[23:07:54] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~39 kB/s
[23:07:54] - Averaged speed for that direction ~43 kB/s
[23:07:54] + Results successfully sent
[23:07:54] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[23:07:54] + Number of Units Completed: 1836

[23:07:58] Trying to send all finished work units
[23:07:58] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[23:07:58] + Closed connections
[23:07:58] + Paused after finishing unit
[23:33:55] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2)
[23:33:55] Killing all core threads

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
5 0.00 Gro-A4 8011 106.6 0.00 Current 3/2121/28
4 0.00 Gro-A4 8011 106.6 N/A   Deleted 1/497/58
3 0.00 Gromacs 6508 72.0 N/A   Deleted 1/70/60
2 0.00 Gromacs 4460 225.0 N/A   Deleted 659/4/51
1 100.00 Gromacs 4442 225.0 133.26 03/20/10 09:37:29 Finished 535/4/50
0 100.00 Gromacs 4442 225.0 N/A 03/18/10 16:58:00 Deleted 622/4/50
9 100.00 Gromacs 4442 225.0 N/A 03/18/10 10:48:14 Deleted 873/3/50
8 100.00 Gromacs 4456 225.0 131.60 03/18/10 08:58:05 Finished 396/4/46
7 0.00 Gromacs 4456 225.0 N/A   Deleted 396/4/46
6 100.00 Gromacs 4460 225.0 N/A 03/16/10 15:00:23 Deleted 104/3/51

[12:10:05] Core required: FahCore_a4.exe
[12:10:05] Core found.
[12:10:05] Working on Unit 05 [March 19 12:10:05]
[12:10:05] + Working ...
[12:10:05] - Calling './FahCore_a4.exe -dir work/ -suffix 05 -checkpoint 15 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 4528 -version 602'

[12:10:05] *------------------------------*
[12:10:05] Folding@Home Gromacs GB Core
[12:10:05] Version 2.27 (Dec. 15, 2010)
[12:10:05] Preparing to commence simulation
[12:10:05] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on.
[12:10:05] - Not checking prior termination.
[12:10:05] - Expanded 567558 -> 1367528 (decompressed 240.9 percent)
[12:10:05] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=567558 data_size=1367528, decompressed_data_size=1367528 diff=0
[12:10:05] - Digital signature verified
[12:10:05] Project: 8011 (Run 3, Clone 2121, Gen 28)
[12:10:05] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[12:10:05] Entering M.D.
[12:10:11] Mapping NT from 1 to 1
[12:10:12] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
[12:18:51] Completed 2500 out of 250000 steps  (1%)

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
2 42.01 Protomol 10019 126.3 0.01 Current 3754/0/3
1 0.00 Protomol 10019 126.3 N/A   Deleted 3754/0/3
0 0.00 Protomol 10019 126.3 N/A   Deleted 3754/0/3
9 100.00 Protomol 10014 126.3 86.86 04/11/10 14:50:08 Finished 3243/0/2
8 100.00 Amber 4612 119.3 179.48 04/10/10 03:56:54 Finished 29/100/73
7 100.00 Protomol 10020 126.3 142.46 04/09/10 11:58:23 Finished 3912/0/0
6 100.00 Protomol 10012 126.3 99.99 04/08/10 14:40:37 Finished 248/0/1
5 100.00 Amber 4606 47.0 346.19 04/07/10 08:21:39 Finished 33/124/30
4 100.00 Amber 4614 84.7 151.08 04/07/10 05:06:00 Finished 30/137/43
3 100.00 Amber 4612 119.3 128.98 04/06/10 15:38:30 Finished 30/143/19

[21:25:51] + Working ...
[21:25:51] - Calling './FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 03 -np 8 -checkpoint 15 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 19504 -
version 629'

[21:25:51] *------------------------------*
[21:25:51] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[21:25:51] Version 2.22 (June 10, 2010)
[21:25:51] Preparing to commence simulation
[21:25:51] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on.
[21:25:51] - Not checking prior termination.
[21:25:51] - Expanded 763838 -> 1404481 (decompressed 183.8 percent)
[21:25:51] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=763838 data_size=1404481, decompressed_data_size=1404481 diff=0
[21:25:51] - Digital signature verified
[21:25:51] Project: 6701 (Run 32, Clone 17, Gen 50)
[21:25:51] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[21:25:51] Entering M.D.
[21:25:58] Completed 0 out of 2000000 steps  (0%)
[21:43:35] Completed 20000 out of 2000000 steps  (1%)
[22:01:13] Completed 40000 out of 2000000 steps  (2%)
[22:18:51] Completed 60000 out of 2000000 steps  (3%)
[22:33:14] Completed 80000 out of 2000000 steps  (4%)

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26

Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish

[18:18:01] Completed  18500047 out of 50000128 steps (37%).
[18:26:40] Completed  19000048 out of 50000128 steps (38%).
[18:35:19] Completed  19500049 out of 50000128 steps (39%).
[18:43:58] Completed  20000051 out of 50000128 steps (40%).
[18:52:37] Completed  20500052 out of 50000128 steps (41%).
[19:01:16] Completed  21000053 out of 50000128 steps (42%).
[19:09:55] Completed  21500055 out of 50000128 steps (43%).
[19:18:35] Completed  22000056 out of 50000128 steps (44%).
[19:27:14] Completed  22500057 out of 50000128 steps (45%).
[19:35:53] Completed  23000058 out of 50000128 steps (46%).
[19:44:32] Completed  23500060 out of 50000128 steps (47%).
[19:53:11] Completed  24000061 out of 50000128 steps (48%).
[20:01:51] Completed  24500062 out of 50000128 steps (49%).
[20:10:30] Completed  25000064 out of 50000128 steps (50%).
[20:19:09] Completed  25500065 out of 50000128 steps (51%).
[20:27:48] Completed  26000066 out of 50000128 steps (52%).
[20:36:27] Completed  26500067 out of 50000128 steps (53%).
[20:45:06] Completed  27000069 out of 50000128 steps (54%).
[20:53:46] Completed  27500070 out of 50000128 steps (55%).
[21:02:25] Completed  28000071 out of 50000128 steps (56%).
[21:11:04] Completed  28500073 out of 50000128 steps (57%).
[21:19:43] Completed  29000074 out of 50000128 steps (58%).
[21:28:22] Completed  29500075 out of 50000128 steps (59%).
[21:37:02] Completed  30000076 out of 50000128 steps (60%).
[21:45:42] Completed  30500078 out of 50000128 steps (61%).

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
5 0.00 GPU3 7621 14093.0 0.00 Current 843/0/177
4 0.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 N/A   Deleted 329/0/228
3 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12228.76 01/16/14 23:08:45 Finished 500/0/195
2 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12228.76 01/16/14 11:50:43 Finished 500/0/194
1 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12229.06 01/16/14 00:32:40 Finished 500/0/193
0 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12225.75 01/15/14 13:14:38 Finished 370/1/207
9 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12225.75 01/15/14 01:56:25 Finished 370/1/206
8 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12225.45 01/14/14 14:38:12 Finished 370/1/205
7 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12229.06 01/14/14 03:19:59 Finished 1432/0/247
6 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12228.46 01/13/14 16:01:58 Finished 1432/0/246

[23:43:03] Board Type             NVIDIA/CUDA
[23:43:03] Core                   15
[23:43:03] Window's signal control handler registered.
[23:43:03] Preparing to commence simulation
[23:43:03] - Looking at optimizations...
[23:43:03] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_05.ckp
[23:43:03] - Created dyn
[23:43:03] - Files status OK
[23:43:03] sizeof(CORE_PACKET_HDR) = 512 file=<>
[23:43:03] - Expanded 124856 -> 501826 (decompressed 401.9 percent)
[23:43:03] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=124856 data_size=501826, decompressed_data_size=501826 diff=0
[23:43:03] - Digital signature verified
[23:43:03] Project: 7621 (Run 843, Clone 0, Gen 177)
[23:43:03] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[23:43:03] Entering M.D.
[23:43:05] Tpr hash work/wudata_05.tpr:  2017956980 452086334 1816194695 1488304183 4293114652
[23:43:05] GPU device id=0
[23:43:06] Working on Protein
[23:43:06] Client config found, loading data.
[23:43:06] Starting GUI Server
[23:44:08] Setting checkpoint frequency: 400000
[23:44:08] Completed         3 out of 40000000 steps (0%).

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
5 0.00 GPU3 7624 14093.0 0.00 Current 316/0/318
4 0.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 N/A   Deleted 614/0/328
3 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12239.29 01/16/14 22:45:44 Finished 614/0/327
2 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12239.29 01/16/14 11:28:14 Finished 614/0/326
1 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12237.48 01/16/14 00:10:46 Finished 614/0/325
0 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12239.89 01/15/14 12:53:12 Finished 614/0/324
9 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12239.29 01/15/14 01:35:45 Finished 614/0/323
8 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12238.99 01/14/14 14:18:18 Finished 614/0/322
7 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12239.59 01/14/14 03:00:38 Finished 614/0/321
6 100.00 GPU3 8018 5757.0 12238.99 01/13/14 15:43:10 Finished 614/0/320

[23:43:04] Board Type             NVIDIA/CUDA
[23:43:04] Core                   15
[23:43:04] Window's signal control handler registered.
[23:43:04] Preparing to commence simulation
[23:43:04] - Looking at optimizations...
[23:43:04] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_05.ckp
[23:43:04] - Created dyn
[23:43:04] - Files status OK
[23:43:04] sizeof(CORE_PACKET_HDR) = 512 file=<>
[23:43:04] - Expanded 126732 -> 507182 (decompressed 400.2 percent)
[23:43:04] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=126732 data_size=507182, decompressed_data_size=507182 diff=0
[23:43:04] - Digital signature verified
[23:43:04] Project: 7624 (Run 316, Clone 0, Gen 318)
[23:43:04] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[23:43:04] Entering M.D.
[23:43:06] Tpr hash work/wudata_05.tpr:  239103438 939969626 2012127429 3514636444 836391559
[23:43:06] GPU device id=0
[23:43:06] Working on Protein
[23:43:06] Client config found, loading data.
[23:43:06] Starting GUI Server
[23:44:08] Setting checkpoint frequency: 400000
[23:44:08] Completed         3 out of 40000000 steps (0%).

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26


Slot Complete Core Protein Score PPD Finish Status Run/Clone/Gen
1 27.00 GPU2 5770 353.0 0.02 Current 7/73/1785
0 100.00 GPU2 5766 353.0 5008.90 10/29/12 13:07:43 Finished 4/160/829
9 100.00 GPU2 5769 353.0 5021.27 10/29/12 11:26:06 Finished 7/150/562
8 100.00 GPU2 5766 353.0 869.27 10/29/12 09:44:45 Finished 2/176/557
7 100.00 GPU2 5770 353.0 4979.46 10/28/12 23:59:52 Finished 11/228/2807
6 100.00 GPU2 5767 353.0 4956.00 10/28/12 22:17:40 Finished 0/132/888
5 100.00 GPU2 5768 353.0 4964.06 10/28/12 20:34:59 Finished 11/43/3404
4 100.00 GPU2 5765 353.0 4981.90 10/28/12 18:52:28 Finished 9/255/417
3 100.00 GPU2 5768 353.0 4984.34 10/28/12 17:10:19 Finished 14/97/3295
2 100.00 GPU2 5765 353.0 4985.16 10/28/12 15:28:12 Finished 3/380/2772

[17:15:59] Completed 8%
[17:16:59] Completed 9%
[17:17:59] Completed 10%
[17:18:59] Completed 11%
[17:20:00] Completed 12%
[17:21:00] Completed 13%
[17:22:00] Completed 14%
[17:23:01] Completed 15%
[17:24:01] Completed 16%
[17:25:01] Completed 17%
[17:26:02] Completed 18%
[17:27:02] Completed 19%
[17:28:02] Completed 20%
[17:29:02] Completed 21%
[17:30:03] Completed 22%
[17:31:02] Completed 23%
[17:32:03] Completed 24%
[17:33:03] Completed 25%
[17:34:04] Completed 26%
[17:35:04] Completed 27%

Current GMT: 09/08/2024 00:57:26

09/07/2024 20:57:26

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